
Our Reusable Program

Why go reusable?

In 2021, Le Petit Bistro received a grant from Marion County to fund our sustainability efforts. The bulk of the grant has been used to implement our reusable to-go container program. Our primary goal with the reusable to-go container program is to limit the amount of single use waste that is produced as a result of our daily operation, and to limit economic barriers to participation.

How the program works:

1. Take your to-go order in one of our reusable containers and opt into the program with a one time deposit per container:

  • $2 for drink/soup containers
  • $3 for sandwich/toast/salad containers

2. Enjoy your tasty food and drinks zero-waste style!

3. The next time you visit Le Petit Bistro to place and order, bring your reusable container with you. Your order will be served up in a reusable container again and no further purchase is necessary for the container. Your initial deposit covers your participation in the program for as long as you keep choosing zero-waste!

BONUS: Every time you place an order and take it in one of our reusable containers, you’ll receive a stamp on our reusable to-go container stamp card. Fill the card and get a free, freshly baked cookie!


We are so excited to see the difference our community can make in reducing the bistro’s single-use paper and plastic waste. If you have any further questions about the program we would be happy to answer them the next time you come in to see us!